VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We are looking for Wild West Book Fair 2017 volunteers. Flexible hours are available for various shifts. Click here to volunteer.
“What’s YOUR Superpower?” Special Event Guinness World Records is designing a fabulous family-friendly show especially for our LS Book Fair that aims to bring you closer to discovering your answer to that question. Two shows: Join us Monday, Nov. 13 at 5:30 PM or at 6:30 PM for these special events. Pizza will be served! Click here to RSVP by Nov. 12 or go to http://survey.d-e.org/bookfair2017
RAFFLES! Already generously donated to this year’s raffle are: an Echo Show, Garmin Vivo Fit Junior, Gazillion Bubble Show Tickets, and Sponge Bob Squarepants Tickets! If you are willing to donate an item, please visit https://goo.gl/UNm5Xs and place your name (or “anonymous” if you’d rather ) next to the item, and send an email to Catherine Eby (2017 Book Fair Raffle Coordinator) at catherine.eby@gmail.com to coordinate item pickup at school. If there is any item that you would like to gift to the Book Fair that is not listed, please feel free to do so. We greatly appreciate all of your generosity and school spirit!