Parents' Association
  • The evening will begin at 6:30 PM with cocktails and silent auction.
  • At 8:00 PM we move into the dining room for a special ceremony recognizing the honorees of the night Rob DeBellis, Brian Kosnik and Lynne Rullo, and then dinner and dancing.
  • The live auction will commence at 10:00 PM followed by more dancing and dessert.
  • Table for six (6) at Rao’s in New York City
, N.Y.
  • Yankee Tickets on April 30 vs. Baltimore
Section 18/Row 2. Includes a special promotion for your child – 30 minute supervised batting practice on the warning tract near home plate while the NY Yankees are on the field warming up
  • Two weeks summer camp in Pennsylvania for students specializing in Music, Arts & Dance
  • Two(2) house seats to “Groundhog Day” on Broadway
  • Sony Home Audio System with Wireless Stereo Headset and Personal Audio System (h.ear go)
  • Couristan 7′ 10″ x 11′ 2″  Beige Bromley Rug
  • Two hours of fun at Dave & Buster’s with Ms. Kanter and Miss Sussman