D-E Parents’ Association Friends of the Arts
Building a stronger D-E community of arts supporters
Dear Parents of Students in the Arts,
The Friends of the Arts committee of the D-E Parents Association is best known as the volunteers who organize the receptions after performances in the upper and middle school. These post –production celebrations are a wonderful tradition at D- E that includes the students, faculty, friends and families. As parents of students in the arts, you may periodically receive requests from committee members for food donations for these receptions.
The committee has expanded this year. In addition to receptions and hospitality, we are helping with production and promotion. We are supporting the directors with production needs such as props and costumes. Most importantly, we are trying to help fill the seats at the performances! A calendar of upcoming events is attached for your convenience.
We need help with –
- Reception set up
- Props, Costumes
- Front of House Support
Volunteerism is an avenue towards building community. As family and friends of students in the arts, we are all Friends of the Arts. We invite you to get involved!
- Ani Ozgun – ani@alkagroupllc.com
- Nancy Serpico – nserpico@aol.com
- Marina Tarsinov – mtarsinov@aol.com